As I am a technical communicator, it wouldn't be a stretch to
say that I LOVE BOOKS. Especially considering that I am an
only child who moved so often due to her dad's job. Books are as necessary as air to me. Ask my husband, because I refuse to re-design our library into a game room. Not that it would work, because my books outnumber his toys by a long shot!
Collecting books goes hand-in-hand with collecting art. Books contain art; books teach about art; books are a form of art. To know what I mean, go to a museum and look at a book of illuminated manuscripts and tell me that it is not a work of art. The sheer genius of some of the old bookmakers is evident by the amount of money a collectible first edition could cost.
But books don't have to be old to be valuable. Each author has a personal story to tell to the reader. Hoping that they can co-exist in the same page, authors churn out books in hopes of that elusive connection. The journey in finding the perfect book is as exhilarating as looking at a beautiful painting. Where has your journey taken you? |